Our Services

Acai bowl
Acai Bowls

Acai Bowls



Fruit juice


    At Equilibre, we specialize in serving fresh, healthy food to the community in Orlando, FL. It is our goal to provide healthy alternatives so you can start on the path toward a healthier lifestyle.

    We serve freshly blended smoothies and juices. All our drinks are made with fresh fruits, packed with antioxidants and nutrients, and they’re sweet and delicious. They give you a great boost in energy while giving your body the nutrients it needs.

Fuity acai bowl

Acai bowls are sweet, fruity, and are a healthy meal option. We also offer salads, sandwiches, desserts, and much more. Get yourself some fresh, healthy food for your next meal and feel good about what you’re eating. Call (407) 947-1519 today to place an order.

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